Registering for the Conference
To register for the conference:
- The conference registration form appears below. It must be filled out and submitted. If in doubt, use the Registration Form Notes in the sidebar to the right -->
- Fill out on-line registration form below;
- Verify your submission by replying to the automated email sent to your email following submission;
- An invoice will be sent to your email: print it and send payment to us (sorry: No credit-cards);
- We'll send you a receipt via email once payment is received;
- As need be, we'll send other pertinent information via email.
- Arrangements for accommodations are own your own. The Ramada Inn is offering a special $75/nite rate for conference goers. Deadline to receive conference rate at the Ramada is July 14, 2008. See our Accommodations page for other hotels in the State College area.
Registration Form
Note: This Registration Form serves all attendees including Vendors and Presenters, and serves as an application for financial aid to attend the conference.
Resistration form unavailable... conference is over.
Following Successful Registration Submission
Following your successful Registration Submission, you will see a momentary message of the success. An email will also automatically be sent to you, which will require a reply in order to validate you submission. Following that reply you will receive an invoice by email to be printed and returned to us with your payment. Other communications concerning the conference will also be sent via email. We will provide detailed information in those email communications.
Don't forget to make arrangements for accommodations should you decide to stay over.
Why we don't accept credit cards.
We estimate that accepting credit cards would add nearly $1,000 to our costs. We would rather those funds be applied to the Scholarship Fund allowing more people to attend the conference.